
Cinderella--the church prayer meeting

“The Cinderella of the church of today is the prayer meeting” (Leonard Ravenhill)

“The prayer meeting, if she exists at all, is relegated to a dark corner somewhere in the church on an off-night so that there is little expectation that anyone will pay her any attention. She goes about unnoticed, unloved and uncelebrated, yet she is the one who keeps the house clean. 

“It’s time for Cinderella to go to the ball—to get dressed for our King and seek His face for grace and mercy, to intercede on behalf of our nation. We must respond with humility and repent of our sins. We must be grateful and thankful because we are blessed beyond measure.” (Shane Idleman)

Prayer should be the heartbeat of the Church. It can’t just be a short prayer that opens or closes the service. While many churches are still closed due to COVID 19, it’s the perfect time to focus on prayer. Jesus said, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matt 18:20 NIV).

Gather with a small group in your home just like they did in New Testament times. Focus on prayer and worship. Cry out to God to send revival to our churches, to the nation and to the world.

“Remember, it only took 12 men empowered by God’s Spirit to change the world. We must return to prayer, real prayer that shakes heaven.” (Shane Idleman)


  1. This is certainly true. But I’m also concerned about the content of our prayer meetings. I’m aware of the many sins in our society also being a part of the extended families of many our church members. And of course among our members the greatest sin in the church is gossip. I’ll agree prayer for these issues is not gossip in itself as we realize prayer is a big part of the solution. But I would suggest that prayer groups remain small among trustworthy people.

    Larger prayer groups can focus on the main prayers for the church of illness, jobs, and travels. I find that prayers for missions, mission trips, finding God’s will in tragedies, finding wealth in people, joy in serving the needy, etc. get only passing mention.


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